Barbara Peisch
  Barbara Peisch is an independent developer specializing in creating database applications with Visual FoxPro for the desktop and the web. She was the technical editor for "WebRAD: Building Database Web Sites with Visual FoxPro and Web Connection". Barbara spoke at the 2004 Southwest Fox Conference, and at the 2002 and 2003 Great Lakes Great Database Workshops. She has also written numerous articles for FoxTalk and CoDe Magazine, and is a Microsoft MVP.
  Integrating XFRX into your VFP applications

XFRX is a powerful third party tool for allowing you to send your FRX report files to various output formats. The full version allows you to create reports in PDF, Word, HTML, Excel, RTF, XML, various kinds of image files, and other formats. This session will focus on what it takes to get XFRX working with an existing application, and will specifically focus on the PDF, Word and HTML output types. This session will make extensive use of a custom Report Class for managing the integration with XFRX, and will show how this class can be used to integrate other output tools without significant changes to your code.

Level: Intermediate
  Using the XFRX Preview Container

XFRX is a powerful third party tool for allowing you to send your FRX report files to various output formats. The full version allows you to create reports in PDF, Word, HTML, Excel, RTF, XML, various kinds of image files, and other formats. This session will focus on the advantages of using the XFRX preview container, as well as the quirks involved with its use. We'll pay particular attention to the challenges of printing from this preview container. This session uses various API calls and will introduce the DEVMODE structure. We'll use these tools to cover how to programmatically set printer properties, regardless of whether or not you are using XFRX.

Level: Advanced